A Quick Start Example

Suppose we are the planning to analyse the code of image processing library LibPNG(version 1.2.44).

Download and Extract

Download and extract the the source code of libPNG.

$ wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/libpng/files/libpng12/older-releases/1.2.44/libpng-1.2.44.tar.gz/download
$ tar xvzf libpng-1.2.44.tar.gz

Generate the graph database

Run the following command:

$ joern libpng-1.2.44

A hidden directory .joernIndex will be generated under the current directory(suppose the current directory is $TEST).

Configure Database Server

Configure the graph database server Neo4j

Assume $NEO4J_HOME is the install directory of your Neo4j(Note that current joern only support 1.9.* version serials). Edit the file $NEO4J_HOME/conf/server.properties. As an example, for neo4j-1.9.7, you should open the file neo4j-1.9.7/conf/neo4j-server.properties.

Then change:




and save it.

Start Neo4j

Start Neo4j database.

$ $NEO4J_HOME/bin/neo4j start

Go to your chucky directory chucky-ng/chucky and run a chucky analysis.

$python chucky.py --parameter length -n 25 |sort -r -k 1

Then Chucky will generate the report to the screen:

0.88000     process_data                        132644      Parameter       png_uint_32     length  length  0.983107493958  1.0     1.0     2       1.0     1.0     0.815409836066  libpng-1.2.44/example.c:456:0:16681:17622
0.88000     png_write_chunk_start                21892      Parameter       png_uint_32     length  length  0.975450572893  0.928054375804  0.704646464646  2       1.0     1.0     0.816124031008  libpng-1.2.44/pngwutil.c:98:0:3409:4075
0.88000     png_handle_sCAL                       7855      Parameter       png_uint_32     length  length  0.63227508134   0.507639451767  0.172121212121  2       0.945813565657  0.828125819558  0.872698412698  libpng-1.2.44/pngrutil.c:1784:0:52039:56355
0.88000     png_handle_pCAL                       7142      Parameter       png_uint_32     length  length  0.617219406464  0.511462981179  0.172121212121  2       0.977463152359  0.937841008024  1.11206349206   libpng-1.2.44/pngrutil.c:1650:0:47947:51972
0.88000     png_handle_hIST                       6432      Parameter       png_uint_32     length  length  0.600609501799  0.522933569414  0.172121212121  2       0.975361631577  0.931775770766  0.905714285714  libpng-1.2.44/pngrutil.c:1509:0:44387:45688
0.48000     png_push_handle_zTXt                130041      Parameter       png_uint_32     length  ( length $CMP $NUM )    0.804980702214  0.616538090133  0.799191919192  2       0.587308060203  0.276431948855  0.444031007752  libpng-1.2.44/pngpread.c:1303:0:35814:36896
0.48000     png_push_handle_tEXt                129600      Parameter       png_uint_32     length  ( length $CMP $NUM )    0.707602959945  0.617204380364  0.799191919192  2       0.587308060203  0.276431948855  0.444031007752  libpng-1.2.44/pngpread.c:1205:0:33161:34165
0.48000     png_push_handle_iTXt                130979      Parameter       png_uint_32     length  ( length $CMP $NUM )    0.707602959945  0.609186311476  0.799191919192  2       0.587308060203  0.276431948855  0.444031007752  libpng-1.2.44/pngpread.c:1504:0:41498:42502
0.48000     png_handle_zTXt                       9120      Parameter       png_uint_32     length  ( length $CMP $NUM )    0.534132372523  0.505309332701  0.172121212121  2       0.726729651309  0.435784343492  0.535555555556  libpng-1.2.44/pngrutil.c:2087:0:60146:63431
0.48000     png_handle_tEXt                       8636      Parameter       png_uint_32     length  ( length $CMP $NUM )    0.550960876087  0.503936396174  0.172121212121  2       0.720901333618  0.424754228003  0.527301587302  libpng-1.2.44/pngrutil.c:1984:0:57502:60030

Following table explains some of the key column.

column 1 column 2 column 3 column 6 column 7 column 15
anomaly score function name node id query symbol sinificant missing symbol function location
0.88000 png_handle_sCAL 7855 length length libpng-1.2.44/pngrutil.c:1784:0:52039:56355


For the vulnerable function png_handle_sCAL as reported in CVE-2011-2692, we can see from the result that it is ranked in top 5(all the top 5 functions have the highest anomaly score 0.88). This is because most of the similar functions(the first column shows the percentage) perform the check for the parameter length, howerver, png_handle_sCAL doesn’t check it. We call these similar functions the neighborhoods of png_handle_sCAL. Chucky is a efficient tool for checking such statistically significant missing case.